[IACPointNetBase] IACPointNetBase (Entwicklerhandbuch)

Klassenname/ID Bemerkung
ID 9360d6e6-2352-4273-9cca-85e7bebaf6fd
ACIdentifier IACPointNetBase
ACUrlComponent Database\ACProject(Variolibrary)\ACClass(IACPointNetBase)
Ist Abstrakt
Ist Abstrakt
Namespace gip.core.datamodel.IACPointNetBase
ACUrlComponent IACPointNetBase
Kommentar Interface IACPointNetBase

Klassenname/ID Bemerkung
IACPointNetBase Interface IACPointNetBase
IACPointBase An IACPointBase is used to abstractly describe the relationships between any object. It is called a Connectonpoint because in graph theory objects are represented as points and relationships as lines. Using this abstract interface, Variobatch is able to graphically represent any relationships between objects (e.g. workflows, visualizations, routes...). The relationships are stored in the IEnumerable<T> ConnectionList property.
IACMember Abstract interface for implementing classes which can be listed in the ACMemberList of a ACComponent. Members can be Properties, Points and other ACComponent-Instances (childs)
IACObject Base interface for classes that are registered (or known) in the iPlus-Type-System. They appear in the iPlus-Development-Environment in the Variolibrary-Project or Variobatch-Project. Instances of IACObject have a unique address (ACUrl) in Application-Trees and can be accessed by ACUrlCommand. Therefore every implmentation of IACObject should implement ACUrlCommand to be accessible. IACObject's also can have Designs to be able to be presented on the GUI.
IACObjectBase This is the ultimate base interface for implementing classes in the iPlus-Framework. It's comparable to the .net-Type System.Object. This interface helps to present objects on a GUI with its description and to indentify them inside a generic list through its uniqe indentifer (ACIdentifier)
IACObject Base interface for classes that are registered (or known) in the iPlus-Type-System. They appear in the iPlus-Development-Environment in the Variolibrary-Project or Variobatch-Project. Instances of IACObject have a unique address (ACUrl) in Application-Trees and can be accessed by ACUrlCommand. Therefore every implmentation of IACObject should implement ACUrlCommand to be accessible. IACObject's also can have Designs to be able to be presented on the GUI.
IACMember Abstract interface for implementing classes which can be listed in the ACMemberList of a ACComponent. Members can be Properties, Points and other ACComponent-Instances (childs)
IACPointBase An IACPointBase is used to abstractly describe the relationships between any object. It is called a Connectonpoint because in graph theory objects are represented as points and relationships as lines. Using this abstract interface, Variobatch is able to graphically represent any relationships between objects (e.g. workflows, visualizations, routes...). The relationships are stored in the IEnumerable<T> ConnectionList property.